Katrina Kaif, who co-stars with Salman Khan in the upcoming film Tiger 3, has lately disclosed some of the film’s inner workings. The stunning Bollywood starlet did not spend Valentine’s Day with a significant other, but she did have a friendly game on Galentine’s Day 2023 with her pals Mini Mathur and Karishma Kohli. Katrina’s beauty company Kay Beauty posted a video of three pals eating cake after each “never have I ever” confession in an effort to promote their products.

Mini initiates the conversation by saying, “I’ve never gone through my significant other’s phone before,” and Katrina admits that she has.
Mini quickly issues a warning to Vicky Kaushal to alter his password. Katrina claims she done this in the past when she was not as savvy but has now learned her lesson. She even vowed that she would learn from her mistake.

Katrina later admitted that she, too, had fabricated an injury to escape an unpleasant situation. She said that in 2009, while shooting a film in New York, she had lied about injuring her foot. Mini, Katrina’s best friend, said that she, too, had used similar justifications to check bags at the airport without having to drag them about in her hands.

Katrina said that she had even researched her own name. A few Diwali gatherings later, she said, she had sobbed in a public restroom.

The actress said that she, like the rest of us, has made the mistake of calling a former romantic interest while under the influence of alcohol. Katrina is seen in the film eating the cake after she admits that she has completed the task at hand.
Regarding Katrina and Vicky’s romance, the two are deeply in love and have been seeing each other since 2018. Their love for one another has only grown deeper as time has progressed. In 2021, the couple finally tied the knot. Currently, Katrina is working on two films: Sriram Raghavan’s Merry Christmas opposite Vijay Sethupathi and the upcoming Tiger 3.