Vicky Kaushal recently walked the ramp for designer Falguni Shane Peacock and looked stunning, carrying himself with grace. During his walk, Vicky couldn’t help but think of his wife, Katrina Kaif, as many of the outfits reminded him of their wedding.
In an exclusive chat with Zoom TV, Vicky Kaushal shared that the beautiful outfits made him nostalgic about his marriage. He mentioned that Katrina had specific preferences and often said, “I want that.”
Unfortunately, she was on a flight, so he couldn’t share his thoughts with her immediately. However, he praised the designers for their incredible work, calling them geniuses.
Isn’t it adorable how everything reminds Vicky of Katrina? They truly are one of Bollywood’s cutest couples, and it’s heartwarming to see such love and connection between them.