The Malayalam film industry has been deeply shaken by the disturbing revelations in the Hema Committee Report, which exposed some of the most egregious cases of sexual exploitation in Mollywood. Former actress Somy Ali responded to the report’s controversial findings, suggesting that she had also encountered several unsavory individuals during her time in Bollywood.
The shocking findings of the Hema Committee Report have left the Malayalam industry shattered. The report unveiled some of the most heinous cases of sexual exploitation in Mollywood. Former actress Somy Ali recently reacted to the controversial findings and hinted that she too had met many unsavoury characters during her stint in Bollywood.
In an interview with the Hindustan Times, the actress said that she was able to empathise with the victims, as she was active in Bollywood during a time when women were silenced if they tried to speak up about the abuse they faced. “While my experience in Bollywood during the late 1990s was not exactly identical to the circumstances faced by the women in the Malayalam film industry, it was deeply shaped by a toxic environment that often silenced women or punished them for speaking out,” she told HT.Walk Of Shame
The actress revealed she witnessed many starlets attempting to leave hotel suites undetected after being exploited by powerful men in the industry. “I personally encountered #MeToo incidents where I was warned that visiting a certain man’s suite was necessary if I wanted to advance in my career. I’ve also witnessed the heartbreaking ‘walk of shame’—women, disheveled and distressed, leaving hotel suites early in the morning after being exploited by some of the biggest actors in Bollywood, including individuals publicly seen as committed family men,” she said.
Ali said she was heavily discouraged and silenced while she tried to speak up. “At that time, the industry offered little support to women who stood up against harassment or sought to assert their independence. The challenges I faced made it clear that my voice wasn’t valued as it should have been. This, combined with my growing passion for social justice and the desire to make a difference, led me to move to the United States and focus on my work with No More Tears,” she told HT.
Ali, who is an ex-girlfriend of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, opened up about her complex equation with the actor. She said that while the ‘Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam’ star had been generous when it came to helping her charity organisations, he was not so forthcoming when she tried to speak up against domestic abuse.
The actress also touched upon ‘90s icon Divya Bharti’s death and implied that she was going through an incredibly difficult time. “Divya told me that she was under immense pressure due to certain troubling circumstances, including being subjected to sex trafficking impositions. She was deeply troubled and mentioned that there were plans for her to travel abroad, which she was extremely apprehensive about,’’ she said.
When Ali Accused Salman Of Domestic Violence
Once, Ali used to share cryptic posts about her time with the ‘Bodyguard’ star. Later, she deleted them. However, in an interview with NDTV, she said, “The eight years spent with him were the worst years of my entire existence. In addition to tons of affairs and flings, he would constantly belittle me by calling me ugly, stupid, and dumb. Not a day went by that he wouldn’t make me feel worthless and small,” she revealed.
She also said that the ‘Hum Aapke Hain Kaun’ actor did not acknowledge their relationship for the longest time. “He would not acknowledge me as his girlfriend in public for years, and when he finally did, he would insult me in front of his friends and berate me nonstop. I have no qualms in saying that given his treatment of me, I chose to have affairs, which are essentially defined as a search for someone who would care for me and love me,” she told NDTV.
Ali was in a relationship with Khan for nine years (1991-1999) , before going to Florida, US, for higher studies.