The entertainment world was recently abuzz with rumors of a heated altercation between Alia Bhatt and her mother-in-law, Neetu Kapoor, amid the ongoing investigation involving Ranbir Kapoor. The case centers around allegations of money laundering linked to a betting app, which has led to significant stress within the Kapoor family, particularly between Alia and Neetu.

Ranbir Kapoor, a prominent Bollywood actor, has been under scrutiny by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) due to alleged connections with a betting app. The app’s owner, who hosted a lavish wedding in Dubai attended by several Bollywood celebrities, reportedly paid them through illegal channels, thus entangling them in a money laundering case. The ED has been investigating these celebrities, including Ranbir, as they try to unravel the extent of the money laundering operation.

Alia Bhatt Fight with Sasu Maa Neetu Kapoor after Ranbir Kapoor Money  Laundering Case

The situation escalated when Ranbir Kapoor was summoned by the ED for questioning. However, Ranbir, citing his commitments to an ongoing shoot outside the city, did not appear for the investigation. This led the ED to issue another summons, with warnings of potential arrest if he failed to comply again. The looming threat of arrest has caused considerable anxiety within the Kapoor household, especially for Alia Bhatt and Neetu Kapoor.

Reports suggest that Neetu Kapoor is deeply troubled by the situation, not only because of the legal implications but also due to the potential damage to the family’s reputation. The tensions reportedly reached a boiling point when Neetu confronted Alia Bhatt, accusing her of withholding information about Ranbir’s involvement in the dubious dealings. According to sources, Neetu expressed her frustration that Alia, as Ranbir’s wife, should have informed her about the nature of the payments and the risks involved. Neetu reportedly believes that had she known earlier, she could have intervened and prevented Ranbir from accepting the questionable payments.

This confrontation between Alia and Neetu has sparked rumors of discord within the family. Neetu’s concerns stem from the belief that Alia, being closely involved in Ranbir’s life, should have been more vigilant and proactive in protecting him from such situations. Neetu is reportedly upset that Alia did not take steps to either stop Ranbir or alert the family about the potential legal troubles.

Alia bhatt's breakdown after her separation Ranbir kapoor & fight with  Neetu Kapoor - YouTube

On the other hand, Alia Bhatt is said to be equally distressed by the situation. She is reportedly trying to navigate the difficult circumstances, balancing her responsibilities as a wife while dealing with her mother-in-law’s concerns. The stress of the situation has undoubtedly put a strain on Alia, who is already dealing with the challenges of being in the public eye and the legal troubles surrounding her husband.

The tension between Alia and Neetu has raised questions about how the Kapoor family will manage this crisis. While the public waits to see how the situation unfolds, it is clear that the family is facing a significant test. The outcome of the ED’s investigation and the resolution of the internal family conflict will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on both Ranbir Kapoor’s career and his personal life.

In conclusion, the ongoing money laundering case involving Ranbir Kapoor has not only brought legal challenges but also caused rifts within his family. The altercation between Alia Bhatt and Neetu Kapoor highlights the emotional toll the situation has taken on the Kapoor family. As the investigation continues, the family’s unity and resilience will be crucial in overcoming this difficult period.