Kangana Ranaut has renewed her attacks on Aamir Khan. Actor Aamir Khan was recently asked during the book launch press conference for Laal Singh Chadha who, in his opinion, should assume the character of author Shobhaa De. The celebrity said Priyanka Chopra and Alia Bhatt, and Shobhaa De, who was also present at the press conference, promptly mentioned Kangana Ranaut. Aamir confirmed her worth and lauded Kangana for her adaptability. According to the internet, he avoided mentioning her name as much as possible.

Even still, Kangana has responded to Aamir Khan’s hesitant admiration by dubbing him Bechara for forgetting that she is the only actress in Bollywood to have won three National Awards. Later, the Dhaakad actress praised Shobhaa De for bringing up her name, saying she was thrilled with the selection, and added that she’d love to portray the role if given the chance.


After complimenting Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan at the Emergency event with Anupam Kher, Kangana Ranaut, who just made her return on Twitter, blasted the film’s success. A troll pointed out that SRK’s one day sales of Pathaan is the equivalent of her lifetime earnings, and the internet pounced on her for being envious of SRK’s success.