According to recent reports, actor Alia Bhatt has purchased a luxurious house in Pali, Bandra for a whopping amount of ₹37.80 crores. The house is said to have a 2,500 sq ft carpet area and is located near the Kapoor bungalow on the same road. It is reported that Alia and Ranbir Kapoor, who already own a lavish Krishna Raj Bungalow in Pali Hill, will move into their new dream house with their mother Neetu Kapoor and their daughter Raha by the end of this year or early 2024.
Alia recently shared a cute picture of her daughter Raha and Ranbir on Instagram, which was well-received by fans.
Alia is also gearing up for her Hollywood debut in the movie Heart of Stone, which will be streaming on Netflix.