During the promotions of the 2018 film *Fanney Khan,* starring Anil Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao, and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, rumors swirled about Aishwarya’s allegedly difficult behavior on set. According to some reports, the actress displayed what some insiders described as “tantrums” during the promotional events, leaving her co-stars and the crew in a challenging situation.

Aishwarya Rai's STUPID Tantrums In Front Of Anil Kapoor & Rajkumar Rao At  Fanney Khan Promotions

Aishwarya, known for her grace and professionalism, was reportedly in a particularly demanding mood during one of the promotional shoots. Sources claimed that the actress made specific and last-minute requests about her wardrobe and makeup, causing delays in the schedule. While such demands are not uncommon in the film industry, it was said that her insistence on these details being perfect led to tension on set.

Anil Kapoor, the veteran actor and Aishwarya’s co-star in *Fanney Khan,* was said to have maintained his composure throughout the ordeal. Known for his easygoing nature, Kapoor reportedly tried to diffuse the situation by accommodating Aishwarya’s requests as much as possible, ensuring that the promotions went smoothly despite the delays. Rajkummar Rao, another co-star known for his calm demeanor, also remained patient, understanding that such occurrences are part of the industry.

However, the media was quick to pick up on the behind-the-scenes drama, with some outlets labeling Aishwarya’s behavior as “tantrums” and criticizing her for being difficult to work with. These reports sparked discussions among fans and industry insiders alike, with opinions divided on whether Aishwarya’s actions were justified or exaggerated by the media.

Supporters of the actress argued that Aishwarya has always been a perfectionist, someone who pays close attention to every detail, which has contributed to her long and successful career in the industry. They pointed out that her commitment to her work is evident in the quality of her performances and her enduring popularity. Critics, on the other hand, saw her demands as unnecessary and disruptive, suggesting that she could have handled the situation with more grace and consideration for her colleagues’ time.

Aishwarya Rai ANGRY on Media At Fanney Khan Movie Promotion - YouTube

Despite the rumors and reports, the promotional events for *Fanney Khan* continued without any major disruptions. Aishwarya, Anil Kapoor, and Rajkummar Rao appeared together in interviews and at events, presenting a united front to the public. The film, which explores themes of family, fame, and the pressures of the entertainment industry, received mixed reviews but was appreciated for its performances, particularly those of Anil Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao.

In the end, the alleged “tantrums” did not seem to have a lasting impact on Aishwarya’s reputation. She remains one of Bollywood’s most beloved and respected actresses, known for her beauty, talent, and dedication to her craft. Whether the reports of her behavior during the *Fanney Khan* promotions were accurate or exaggerated, they serve as a reminder of the pressures faced by celebrities and the scrutiny they are under at all times.

As for Aishwarya, she continues to move forward in her career, taking on new projects and maintaining her status as a global icon. The *Fanney Khan* promotions may have been a minor bump in the road, but they have done little to diminish her star power.