Kareena Kapoor recently made headlines after she came live on social media and made a shocking statement following rumors of her divorce from Saif Ali Khan. The actress, known for her bold personality, did not hold back as she opened up about the advice and warnings she received before marrying Saif, a decision that was controversial from the start.

During her live session, Kareena shared that before she decided to marry Saif Ali Khan, she was repeatedly advised against it by her family and friends. They warned her that marrying Saif, who was already divorced and belonged to a different religion, could spell the end of her flourishing career. The belief was that a married woman in Bollywood would struggle to maintain her career, especially if she was married to someone with Saif’s background. However, Kareena chose to follow her heart rather than the advice of others.

Kareena Kapoor came LIVE and gave SHOCKING statement after DIVORCE with  Saif Ali Khan

“I was told, ‘Don’t marry Saif because, you know, your career is over,’” Kareena revealed, reflecting on the strong opposition she faced. She mentioned that the idea of her career taking a hit simply because of her marital status was a notion she refused to accept. Instead, she married Saif, confident that her career and personal life could coexist successfully.

However, what caught everyone’s attention was Kareena’s admission of regret. She expressed that despite the advice she chose to ignore, she now finds herself reflecting on the decision with a sense of remorse. Her candid statement, “Now, I deeply regret it,” has led many to speculate about the current state of her marriage with Saif Ali Khan.

Kareena also mentioned that it wasn’t just her family who advised her against the marriage; her close friends also warned her. They were concerned that her relationship with Saif would not last long, given the differences in their backgrounds and the fact that Saif had been married before. Despite these warnings, Kareena was adamant about her decision and went ahead with the marriage, confident that love would conquer all.

The rumors of Kareena and Saif’s impending divorce have been swirling for some time now, but neither of them has officially commented on the matter. The actress’s recent statements, however, have added fuel to the fire, leading many to believe that the couple might indeed be going through a rough patch. Fans and the media alike have been abuzz with speculation, trying to piece together what might be happening behind closed doors.

Kareena Kapoor Divorce Confirmed? Saif Ali Khan Share Video his wife not  attend Mother day in family - YouTube

Kareena’s live session has become the talk of the town, with her statements going viral almost instantly. Her openness about her regrets and the struggles she faced before her marriage have sparked a wide range of reactions. Some fans have expressed their support for the actress, applauding her for speaking her truth, while others are concerned about what this might mean for her relationship with Saif.

The couple, who have been married since 2012, are one of Bollywood’s most high-profile pairs. Their relationship has always been under the media’s scrutiny, and this latest development has only intensified that attention. Despite the challenges they have faced, Kareena and Saif have always presented a united front, which is why these recent statements have come as such a surprise to many.

As the speculation continues, fans of the couple are eagerly awaiting an official statement from either Kareena or Saif regarding the status of their marriage. For now, the actress’s candid revelations have left everyone with more questions than answers.

In conclusion, Kareena Kapoor’s shocking statement about her marriage to Saif Ali Khan has sparked widespread speculation and concern among her fans. Her admission of regret and the revelations about the advice she received before her marriage have only added to the intrigue surrounding the couple’s relationship. Whether or not the rumors of their divorce are true remains to be seen, but Kareena’s openness has certainly made this a story that everyone in Bollywood is talking about.