Arti Singh, the well-known television actress and sister of popular comedian Krushna Abhishek, recently found herself at the center of rumors and speculation following her marriage to Deepak Chauhan. The couple tied the knot on April 25, 2024, in what was initially perceived as a joyous and celebrated union. However, just a few months later, news of their alleged divorce began circulating widely on social media, leaving fans shocked and concerned.

The rumors gained significant traction, with many questioning whether there was any truth to the claims. The buzz around Arti and Deepak’s supposed separation grew so intense that it became a hot topic of discussion among their fans and followers, who were eager to know the reality behind these claims.

Krushna Abhishek's sister Arti Singh Divorced after 1 Month of Marriage,  Gave Shocking Statement

In response to the swirling rumors, Arti Singh decided to address the situation directly in an interview with Hindustan Times. She categorically denied all rumors of her divorce, asserting that there was no truth to the reports. Arti made it clear that she and her husband, Deepak Chauhan, were very much together and enjoying their married life. She emphasized that their relationship was strong, and there was no question of a divorce.

Arti expressed her frustration with those who spread such baseless rumors, highlighting how damaging and unnecessary they can be. She pointed out that the people behind these rumors seemed to have ulterior motives, possibly aiming to create drama or gain attention by exploiting her personal life. Arti was firm in her statement, saying that such actions were not only wrong but also deeply hurtful to those involved.

In her interview, Arti also shared her perspective on the importance of her relationship with Deepak. She described their bond as special and something they both recognized early on. This understanding led them to take the significant step of getting married, a decision they have not regretted. Arti reassured her fans that she and Deepak were living happily together, enjoying the early days of their marriage.

Krushna abhishek's sister Arti Singh's shocking Reaction on her Divorce  after 2month of Marriage

Arti Singh also mentioned how she viewed the spread of these rumors as a sign of negativity, referring to those who spread such false information as “nazar battus,” or bringers of bad luck. She maintained that she and Deepak were committed to each other and were focused on building a life together, despite the distractions caused by unfounded gossip.

Throughout the interview, Arti remained positive and focused on the future. She made it clear that their marriage was a source of happiness for both of them, and they were looking forward to spending their lives together. By addressing the rumors head-on, Arti aimed to put an end to the speculation and reassure her fans that all was well in her personal life.

In conclusion, Arti Singh and Deepak Chauhan are not getting a divorce, despite the rumors that have circulated online. Arti’s candid interview served to clarify the situation and debunk the false reports. The couple remains happily married, and Arti has made it clear that their relationship is strong and thriving. Fans of the actress can take comfort in knowing that Arti and Deepak are committed to each other and are enjoying their journey together as husband and wife.