Lawrence Bishnoi, a gangster currently imprisoned in Gujarat’s Sabarmati Jail, has been making headlines for his ongoing threats against Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. Recently, Bishnoi revealed his true motives behind these threats, which seem to stem more from a desire for fame than personal vendettas.
The Bishnoi community, to which Lawrence Bishnoi belongs, traditionally holds deep respect for nature and wildlife, especially blackbucks, and is known for its commitment to protecting animals and trees. Initially, many believed that Bishnoi’s threats against Salman Khan were connected to the actor’s infamous blackbuck hunting case, which greatly angered the Bishnoi community.
Blackbucks are sacred animals for the Bishnois, and Salman’s alleged involvement in hunting them led to outrage among the community members. However, Bishnoi’s recent statements suggest that his motives go beyond the blackbuck case.
In a recent confession to Delhi Police, Lawrence Bishnoi admitted that his threats were primarily a means to gain media attention and increase his notoriety within the Bishnoi community. By targeting Salman Khan, a highly popular figure in India, Bishnoi aimed to boost his own public profile, achieving fame in both the media and his community. His association with Salman Khan, even through negative publicity, allowed him to gain widespread recognition.
Salman Khan’s security was recently increased following a series of threat messages. One particularly alarming message was sent to Mumbai’s traffic police, warning that if Salman did not pay a hefty sum, he would face severe consequences.
Security was tightened, especially after an incident involving Baba Siddique, a close acquaintance of Salman, raised concerns for Salman’s safety. Bishnoi’s frequent threats even extended to Salman’s father, Salim Khan, leaving the actor’s family on edge.
The Bishnoi community has distanced itself from Lawrence Bishnoi’s actions, disapproving of his violent tactics. While the Bishnoi community deeply respects animals and nature, they also reject harm against humans. Bishnoi’s violent approach and his threats to Salman were strongly criticized by the community, leading them to cut ties with him. They believe that any form of violence, whether toward animals, humans, or nature, goes against their principles.
This controversy has captivated the public, not only due to Salman Khan’s celebrity status but also because of the underlying dynamics involving the Bishnoi community’s values and Lawrence Bishnoi’s attempt to use the media for personal gain.