Before marrying Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, there were reports that international pop singer Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas were considered one of the most iconic Disney Channel power couples. Today, Nick Jonas, also known as India’s ‘National Jiju’, celebrates his 29th birthday.
It was rumored that Miley and Nick were also in a relationship; however, they broke up within a few months.
In her autobiography, Miles To Go, Miley had said: “Prince Charming and I broke up on December 19, 2007. The hardest day ever. My life felt like it had ground to a halt, but the rest of the world kept right on rolling. I was on tour. People were counting on me, but my head — no, my heart — was dizzy.”
Priyanka Chopra Gave An Epic Reply To Nick Jonas’ Ex Miley Cyrus’ Tweet On Her Husband
In 2019, Miley posted a screenshot of an old picture of herself wearing a Jonas Brothers T-shirt that she later sent as a direct message to her ex, Nick Jonas.
The pop singer wrote, “That moment when even your ex knows your socials have been (lit).” Nick had replied to Miley’s message with, “These throwback shots have been (lit).”
Next, she shared the screenshot on her Instagram with the caption, “That moment when even your ex knows your socials have been (lit).” That screenshot sparked some rumored trouble in Priyanka’s life.
To that, Priyanka gave the best classic reply to her husband’s ex on her post, showing her fans how one should handle their husband’s ex.
“Lol. Hahaha…Hubby is right. These posts r (fire emoji),” Priyanka stole all the limelight with her epic one liner.
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