The beloved comedy talk show, The Great Indian Kapil Show, is set to return with its second season on Netflix, premiering on September 21, 2024. A new promo has already gone viral, featuring Kapil Sharma humorously asking Karan Johar when he would get a role in one of his films. The episode will also feature Alia Bhatt and Vedang Rana as special guests.
During the promo, Kapil takes his chance, complimenting Karan by saying, “You’re looking handsome, Karan Sir! Can I ask one thing? Now that you’re on my show, when will I be in one of your films?” Karan responds with a witty comeback, saying,
“For that, you need Jigra! Jigra!” Kapil quickly follows up, “So, should I show my Jigra by opening my chest?”
Karan laughs, replying,
“Please! We don’t have enough Jigra to see you shirtless!”
The fun banter continues when director Vasan Bala teases Kapil, saying,
Alia agrees, adding,
“That’s true!”
To which Kapil jokingly replies, “Bala Sir, I don’t have that much Jigra.” Vedang Raina jumps in, saying, “I’ve got that Jigra, that’s why I’m Jigra!” Alia humorously remarks, “Aren’t we saying Jigra a bit too much?” Kapil quips, “Well, since your movie is Jigra, why wouldn’t we? We’re not doing mujra!” Karan, continuing the playful exchange, jokes,
“I wouldn’t mind, you can do it!” The crew erupts in laughter as Karan wraps it up, teasing,
“You were the one who told me that Shanivaar is Funnyvaar!”