Ranbir Kapoor, despite his preference for staying out of the media spotlight, has recently stirred controversy with remarks about his wife, Alia Bhatt. The 41-year-old actor, currently busy with the mythological epic Ramayana, appeared on Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath’s YouTube talk show, People by WTF, where he discussed his relationship with Bhatt.

Ranbir Kapoor Is Once Again Slammed By Netizens For His Recent Remarks On Alia Bhatt, 'Too Fake...'

Ranbir Kapoor revealed that he met Alia when she was just nine years old and he was 20, and he elaborated on how she has adapted for their relationship.

He stated:

She’s made certain efforts, and I must acknowledge this about her, that everything I complained about or she complained about, I think she made better efforts than I have; she changed more for me than I have for her. She used to speak in a very loud tone, and I think because of my father’s tone growing up always kind of rattled me. She made efforts to change it.”


Kapoor expressed deep admiration for Alia, highlighting her unique qualities and the happiness she brings to his life. He enjoys their time together, including travel and holidays.

However, Kapoor’s comments have sparked a divided response online. Some netizens have criticized his statements as insincere, with one user commenting, “He sounds too fake.” Another remarked, “This is a narcissist bragging about ‘taming’ an intelligent, ambitious woman.” On the other hand, some supporters have defended him.

Ranbir and Alia’s Relationship

Ranbir and Alia’s romance blossomed during the filming of  Brahmastra: Part One-Shiva, directed by Ayan Mukerji. They began living together during the COVID-19 pandemic and married on April 14, 2022, after four years of dating. Their daughter, Raha Kapoor, was born on November 6, 2022.

What are your thoughts on the public reaction to Ranbir Kapoor’s comments about Alia Bhatt?