As the release of Ranbir Kapoor’s film, “Animal,” approached on December 1, 2023, a glamorous premiere was held in Mumbai, attended by Alia Bhatt and Neetu Kapoor. While both praised the film, a video capturing an apparently awkward hug between Alia and Rashmika Mandanna has become viral, prompting online reactions.

Alia Bhatt accompanied by her mother Soni Razdan and sister Shaheen Bhatt, arrived at the premiere. When Rashmika Mandanna greeted her with a warm hug, Alia’s reaction, marked by awkward facial expressions, raised eyebrows and garnered attention online.

Alia Bhatt Makes Awkward Faces As Rashmika Mandanna Hugs Her At 'Animal' Premiere, Netizens React

Netizens React to Alia’s Awkward Hug The video quickly circulated on the internet, drawing criticism from netizens who accused Alia of being cold and rude towards Rashmika.

One Reddit user commented, “Alia meets people like she’s Kate Middleton and others are there to shake hands with her. She had the same vibe with Kriti.” Another netizen questioned, “What’s with the awkward hugging?” A third comment suggested a connection to Alia’s realization about her husband’s chemistry with other heroines.

Alia’s Supportive Presence at the Premiere Despite the awkward moment, Alia Bhatt made a stylish appearance at the Animal premiere, showing support for her husband by twinning with him in a matching tuxedo. Notably, she wore a custom-made t-shirt featuring a caricature of Ranbir’s character from the film.

Alia’s Reaction to ‘Hua Main’ Song


The controversy comes after the release of “Animal’s” first song, “Hua Main,” on October 11, 2023, which showcased intimate scenes between Ranbir Kapoor and Rashmika Mandanna. Alia’s reaction to the song, shared on her Instagram story, expressed admiration with the words “Playing On Loop,” accompanied by heart and fire emojis.

The online buzz surrounding Alia Bhatt’s interaction at the premiere has sparked discussions about her behavior, leaving fans and critics alike to share their views on the incident.