Kajol, who celebrating her 50th birthday on Monday, August 5, once considered quitting the film industry due to burnout. In an interview with Humans of Cinema, Kajol revealed that she reached a point in her career where she was acting unconsciously. She explained that she was doing everything instinctively, delivering every dialogue and performing every action from within.
Kajol recalled a conversation with Shah Rukh Khan, her co-star in iconic films like ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ and ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’.Shah Rukh had advised her to learn the technique of acting, to which she initially responded with disbelief, questioning the existence of such a technique. He emphasized that people are taught this method and that she couldn’t rely solely on her instincts. However, Kajol admitted that she didn’t take his advice seriously at the time.
Feeling exhausted from her intense roles, Kajol eventually confided in her mother, veteran actor Tanuja, about needing a break from meaningful cinema. She reflected on that period, explaining that after doing the film ‘Udhar Ki Zindagi’ (1994), she felt completely burnt out and didn’t want to continue acting. She told her mother that she wanted to take a break from all the meaningful, emotional roles and instead wanted to be a typical actor with only three scenes and four songs. Kajol mentioned that she signed three films with such roles, which provided her with the relief she needed.
Later on, the actress admitted that she gained a crucial understanding of the importance of acting techniques. Reflecting on her journey, she shared that one doesn’t have to give so much of themselves to a role; they can just act, knowing they are good at it.