Miss Priyanka Chopra shows off unrecognizable bikini photos from her youth
Priyanka Chopra looks different in a bikini photo taken at the age of 19 that she shared.

Priyanka Chopra has just posted a photo of her youth on her personal Instagram page. In the photo, Miss World 2000 wears a white bikini top combined with long pants of the same color, her hands on her hips, smiling confidently into the camera lens. According to Chopra’s caption, the photo was taken when she was 19 years old – a year after being crowned the world’s top beauty.

Miss Priyanka Chopra shows off unrecognizable bikini photos from her youth

Priyanka Chopra just shared a photo of herself at the age of 19 on social media.

The old photo quickly attracted a lot of attention from the online community, with more than 1.5 million likes in just half a day. Fans praised that Mrs. Jonas was cute when she was young, with a slim, toned body, full bust and slim waist, without any excess fat.

However, some people commented that Chopra at 19 years old was different from now, looking like two different people. They said that the reason could be because she had rhinoplasty.

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Priyanka Chopra is considered not like when she was young.

Last month, in a new memoir, the 39-year-old beauty revealed that she underwent nose surgery in the early 2000s after winning the Miss World crown.

Chopra was diagnosed with a benign tumor in her nasal cavity that required surgery to remove. She revealed in the book that this was a fairly routine procedure. However, the doctor accidentally shaved the bridge of her nose, causing it to collapse. “My original nose was gone,” she exclaimed.

Because of this, she became a “joke” in her home country of India. She was rumored to have had botched plastic surgery, and was even branded “Plastic Chopra”. Not only that, she lost roles in two previously signed films. “All the talk about my body parts and skin color made me feel like I was losing my worth. I was no longer sure about my future,” the actress shared.

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The beauty queen was once nicknamed “Plastic Chopra”.

However, Chopra overcame her inferiority complex and used her strong will to prove that although she was not like other “classically beautiful” girls, she still stood out and was able to live true to herself.

“Now when I look in the mirror, I’m not surprised anymore. I’ve made peace with this slightly different person. Like a lot of people, I look in the mirror and think maybe I need to lose a little weight, maybe I should work out a little more. But I’m also happy. This is my face. This is my body. I may have flaws, but I am me,” she added.

20 years ago, facing criticism and ridicule, Mrs. Jonas did not give any explanation because she felt she “didn’t owe anyone an explanation”. The 8x beauty believes that as an entertainer, she will try her best in every role, dance, creating her own mark, but she is not obliged to expose everything about her life to the public. She declared that she has the right to decide what to share and when to share it.

Not only her face, but her body was also scrutinized. Also in the memoir, Chopra revealed that she was asked to get breast implants and butt implants when she first started her acting career after winning Miss World 2000. “After a few minutes of conversation, the director/producer told me to stand up and spin around. I did. He stared at me for a long time, evaluating me, and then suggested that I get a breast implant, a jawline correction, and a little butt augmentation. He said that if I wanted to be an actress, I needed to fix my body proportions. He also recommended a great doctor in Los Angeles,” she said.

She added that her manager at the time agreed with that assessment. This made her feel confused and skeptical about her chances of success in the entertainment industry without plastic surgery. However, she still decided to refuse to cooperate with the unnamed director.

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According to Chopra, similar offers were not uncommon in Hollywood when she was just starting out. “It was early in my career, I never told him why I said no. I never had the courage to stand up for myself. Because I heard so often, ‘Don’t be a bother, you’re new in the business, you don’t want to be known as a troublemaker or not easy to work with.’ Now on the other side of 35, I know that’s normal for girls in the business,” she emphasized.