With a cast that includes talented actors like Urvashi Rautela, Piyush Mishra, Ravi Kishan, Siddharth Bodke, Vijay Raj, Rashmi Desai, Atul Pandey, and Shivjyoti Rajput, “Jhangir National University” is scheduled to release in theatres on June 21, 2024, following approval from the censor board. Jahangir National University’s (JNU) amazing trailer has finally been published following the teaser. This film, which has a contentious narrative, has generated even more discussion thanks to its trailer. This teaser demonstrates how Marxist ideology predominates on college campuses.
“Yeh left unit walon ne poore campus ko jaat-paat mein baant diya hai (These left unit people have divided the entire campus on the basis of caste.)” Such dialogues in the trailer make it even more effective. “Ab hum log bolenge bhi aur ladenge bhi (Now we will speak and fight as well.)” The trailer filled with such dialogues has given a glimpse of the film. Where the politics of the university campus is connected is revealed by this one line “Yanahn se seedhe sansad mein… (From here directly to the Parliament….)” The people of Godhra are dreaming of becoming the PM and Afzal hum sharminda hain, tere kaatil zinda hain (Afzal, we are ashamed. Your killers are alive), such controversial dialogues can be seen in the trailer of the film.
Can a university shake the whole country? This is the gist of the trailer. This is not the first time; the posters of the film Jahangir National University have also made a lot of headlines in the media and now the trailer is absolutely amazing.
Producer Pratima Dutta believes that the film shows how Jahangir National University has become a platform to discuss all the controversies of the country and how student politics also has a dark side. We are showing this openly in the film.
Mahakal Movies Pvt. Ltd.’s Jahangir National University, directed by Vinay Sharma, says, “There are plots to use the nation’s most delicate issues as a weapon in order to split the country. The movie Jahangir National University discusses the idea that a place of learning cannot serve as a forum for disputes. I have no doubt that this movie will spark a national dialogue.