Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra are enjoying parenthood. After tying the knot in a beautiful ceremony in Jodhpur in December 2018, the couple announced in January 2022 that they had welcomed their daughter, Malti Marie Chropa Jonas, via surrogacy. A day after Priyanka, Nick, too, has shared a collection of Malti’s latest videos and photos, and obviously she looks super cute in all of them.Nick Jonas has shared new videos of daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas.
Malti ‘cuts’ Nick’s hair in sweet video
Apart from a selfie featuring himself with Malti and Priyanka, Nick added a video of Malti saying ‘oh my God’ on prompt before turning away from the camera. The singer-actor also included a video of his daughter ‘cutting’ his hair/ears using a toy scissor in a wholesome new post giving a peek into his family time with Priyanka and Malti.
Nick added a clip of Priyanka hugging the crew members of her upcoming film The Bluff and also a picture of little Malti sleeping during a flight. He simply added a red heart emoji to his caption, and wrote, “Lately…”
Check out his post:
Priyanka shares unseen pics with Nick, Malti
Over the last couple of years, Priyanka and Nick have been generous in documenting their parenthood journey, with Malti making an appearance in many of their social media posts.
Recently, Priyanka Chopra finished shooting for her upcoming Hollywood film, The Bluff, and shared a bunch of inside pictures from the shoot wrap party and more on Instagram. Some of the pictures featured her with Nick and Malti as they spent quality time together in between her shoot.
Priyanka wrote in her caption, “It’s a picture wrap on The Bluff!!! … and to do it with my family by my side and the incredible people that made this movie possible is such a privilege.” She added, “This one truly has been a labour of love and couldn’t have come together without the faith of @agbofilms and @amazonmgmstudios in our fearless leader Frankie E Flowers. To be able to work with this remarkable crew in gorgeous @australia with a cast that’s so talented was so much fun!”
Priyanka also said she was excited to return home with Nick and Malti; the family lives in Los Angeles. She wrote, “Also, I really lucked out on the locations lottery this year. NICE… GOLD COAST… LONDON… here’s to the next stop… but in the meantime.. a quick (snoring emoji) back home. As much as I loved making this movie here I’m sooooo happy to be going home.”